Celiac Disease/Gluten Free:

Has your child recently been diagnosed with celiac disease? Does making the change to eating gluten free overwhelm you? This can be a challenging diet to implement and follow, and NutriKidz can help you with this difficult transition.  

NutriKidz will assess your child’s current nutrition, highlight any possible deficiencies, recommend supplements, and provide you with strategies, resources, products, and recipes to successfully implement the gluten free diet.


Do you or your child want to remove meat and other animal products from their diet? Does your family avoid eating meat for personal, ethical, religious, or other cultural reasons? Do you want your child to eat this way, but worry they may become deficient in certain essential vitamins, minerals, or protein? 

NutriKidz can provide expert advice on implementing a vegetarian or vegan diet. NutriKidz will help you and your child transition to this type of diet and provide recommendations to ensure your child's growth, nutrition and overall health is at its best. 


Does your child suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)? Have you heard about the FODMAP diet but not sure it’s right for your child? FODMAPs are highly fermentable carbohydrates that are found in certain foods. The FODMAP diet stands for Fermentable Oligo-Di-Monosaccharides and Polyolsinclude and includes the elimination of certain foods from the diet. 

Foods to be avoided:

  • fructose (fruit sugar)
  • lactose (milk sugar)
  • fructans (wheat, garlic, and inulin)
  • galactans (legumes)
  • polyols (certain sweeteners and stone fruits) 

This can be a restrictive, confusing, and challenging diet to implement and follow. NutriKidz will help your child transition to this diet, and ensure they are getting all the proper nutrition they need.

Blended Tube Feeds:

Do you want your tube-fed child to be nourished with the same foods the rest of your family enjoys? Are you dissatisfied with the ingredients listed in your child’s commercial formula? 

Some families wish to make the change to blended tube feeds so their children can be nourished in a more natural way. Making homemade blended tube feeds allows for just that. This is an exciting alternative for your child, however implementing this diet should be done with experienced dietitian supervision to ensure your child is adequately hydrated, receiving appropriate calories and protein, and that their micronutrient needs are met.