Food Allergy:
Has your child recently been diagnosed with a food allergy? Do food allergies run in your family? Are you concerned you are giving certain foods too soon, or worried that some foods should be given later?
Food allergies are becoming more prevalent in children. They are a result of an allergy response from the immune system to the protein component in foods. Some common food allergies include cow’s milk protein, soy protein, peanuts and tree nuts proteins. There are many new food products on the market today to help fill the void and maintain a balanced diet, due to these allergens. These new food products serve as alternatives, however not all products are created equal.
NutriKidz can help ensure your child is getting enough of the nutrients they need, while also recommending safe and appropriate alternatives to your child’s diet. NutriKidz will thoroughly review your child’s diet and eating patterns, make specific recommendations for any required supplementation, and provide food alternative suggestions, to prevent or correct nutrient deficiency in your child.
Common food allergies
eggs, milk, mustard, peanuts, seafood, sesame, soy, sulphites, tree nuts, wheat
Food Intolerance:
Do you have a fussy, gassy, irritable child? Your child may be experiencing these symptoms related to food intolerance. Food intolerances are generally related to the carbohydrate (sugar) component in food. Some common food intolerances include lactose (milk sugar) and fructose (fruit sugar) intolerance. If you feel your child is having a difficult time tolerating some of these foods, ask NutriKidz for help!
NutriKidz will work with you and your child to determine what foods may be causing an undesirable side effect in your child. NutriKidz will conduct a thorough diet history, make specific recommendations for any required supplementation, and provide food alternative suggestions, to prevent nutrient deficiency in your child.